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The Abernathy & Crane Series

Unlikely Friends
Devoted Friends
Unexpected Friends

Unexpected Friends

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During their long friendship, Cornelia Parish had been the bane of Irwin Abernathy’s existence. Forever minding his business and trying to run his life. But even in death, Cornelia seems determined to make sure her best friend––former librarian, current bookshop owner, and interminable grumpy curmudgeon––doesn’t spend the rest of his insufferable days alone.


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Forever Friends

Forever Friends

$14.99eBook: $4.99

Forever Friends, by Sahar Abdulaziz, is the heartwarming finale in The Abernathy & Crane Series. It is a story about the unending pursuit of love, the power of friendship, and the amount of trust and selflessness needed when giving everything might mean having nothing left.

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