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The Sands of Marrakech
The End of Lies

The End of Lies

$15.99eBook: $4.99

Haunted by the death of a former mentor, undercover agent Amy Mohr reluctantly takes on a mission to Africa to find her lost cousin. After meeting with him, he’s reported to have died in a car wreck that left him disfigured. But is the body really his?

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The Way to Varanasi
I Have become Death
As One Door Closes

As One Door Closes

$15.95eBook: $2.99

Closure should have come swiftly with the funeral and nailing of the casket, but instead of finding peace, the old man’s death reopened old wounds left to fester for decades. Sahar Abdulaziz’s haunting new Women’s Contemporary Fiction, As One Door Closes, is a stark and dramatic testament to the devastation that comes with hiding sexual abuse, and protecting the ‘secret’ rather than the victim.

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The Broken Half

The Broken Half

$15.95eBook: $2.99
Genre: Thriller

Contemporary Fiction novel, The Broken Half, is the harrowing story of a young American Muslim woman, Zahra, whose marriage has been anything but peaceful. Zahra soon realizes each step she takes towards freedom is riddled with risky and uncertain repercussions.

Feeling trapped, alone, and without the support she so desperately needs, Zahra is almost out of options. While the threat of danger continues to escalate around her, will Zahra ultimately choose to fix her broken marriage or will escaping become a life or death decision?

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Secrets That Find Us

Secrets That Find Us

$14.95eBook: $2.99

Secrets That Find Us. Seventeen years ago, Terri Ann Stone began serving a life sentence, charged with the double homicide of her mother and stepfather. Up to now, Terri’s anger, hate, and relentless commitment to hiding the truth kept her alive behind bars. However, the bitterness that once fueled Terri's center begins to wane. Her pledge to secrecy dissolves.

With no prospect of ever being set free, she reveals the entire ugly truth to the single person left in the world who still matters to her. Riddled with intrigue and the ability to destroy, can the power of Terri’s secrets live on, or will disclosure at long last uncover the answers so desperately desired?


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$15.99eBook: $5.99

Logan appears to all who know him as a charming and adoring husband, yet behind closed doors, a dangerous, darker side emerges. To his circle of unsuspecting friends, he is the master of his destiny. To the trail of broken women left behind, a cruel and callous monster. But to his family and most of all to Bella, he remains an inescapable and recurring nightmare.

Trapped, isolated, and unable to seek help, Bella plots her escape, but time, as well as opportunity, are quickly running out. Blaming, shaming, power and control converge in Sahar Abdulaziz’s contemporary fiction novel, EXPENDABLE–the intimate story behind the “normal” veneer of one couple’s unraveling marriage.

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Tight Rope

Tight Rope

12,14eBook: $4.99
Genre: Thriller

In a socially and politically divided country after the presidential election, activist and American Muslim Nour Ibrahim prepares to deliver a speech at an anti-hate rally condemning the surge of attacks against people of color, immigrants, Muslims, and anyone else deemed different or disposable.

As her inbox overflows with racist, xenophobic threats, she struggles to remain focused, refusing to give in to the fear. Concerns for her safety during the speech mount as one ruthless stalker escalates his terror campaign. Bitter and blinded by hate, he’s not satisfied with merely keeping Nour from speaking out: he threatens to silence her for good.

Stressed by the impending rally, a stabbing pain in her gut, and an Internet psycho who has her in his crosshairs, Nour begins to wonder—which one will kill her first?


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The Gatekeeper’s Notebook

The Gatekeeper’s Notebook

$15.99eBook: $4.99
Genre: Thriller

Despite a fabulous home, a lucrative career, and the birth of a healthy baby boy, the couple’s marriage remained fraught with problems: the most notable, Bashir’s complicated love affair.

Angry and hurt, Kalila kicks him out, only to become distraught when she receives a call notifying her of Bashir’s untimely death. Widowed, facing mounting debt, and left to raise their son alone, Kalila decides to move far away and start a new life. However, she soon discovers that burying a husband is a lot simpler than concealing his secrets, especially after her own dark dalliances resurface, threatening to destroy her life.

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After Tobias Brandt dies suddenly, his eldest son, with the support of his siblings, writes an obituary and has it published in the local newspaper. But instead of celebrating their father’s accomplishments and honoring his memory, it’s a scathing, contemptuous, and revealing account of the legacy of damage he caused.

Absent of closure, Tobias’s death ignites an unforeseeable sequence of events that his surviving children are forced to unravel, one perilous upset after the next.

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ASHES: Evil Never Dies Series Book 1

ASHES: Evil Never Dies Series Book 1

$8.99eBook: 3,99
After Tobias Brandt dies suddenly, his eldest son, with the support of his siblings, writes an obituary and has it published in the local newspaper. But instead of celebrating their father’s accomplishments and honoring his memory, it’s a scathing, contemptuous, and revealing account of the legacy of damage he caused.

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DUST: Evil Never Dies Series Book 2

DUST: Evil Never Dies Series Book 2

$8.99eBook: $3.99

With her past problem (literally) dead and buried, a “new” family she could only dream of having, and an exciting life-affirming career change, Sydney Hanes finally feels like she belongs. Until....

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